Emerald Cove
La Jolla, CAEmerald Cove is a high-end residential development composed of 122 attached and detached semi-custom
homes. Completion of the final phase of construction is anticipated by the end of 2013.
Hale Engineering is providing Grading Design, Topographic Surveys, Retaining Wall profiles, Construction
Staking & Layout, Legal Descriptions & Plats, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Water
Quality Technical Report (WQTR), Operations & Maintenance Plan, Plan & Permit Processing, and
Construction Coordination.
Emerald Cove

Otay Ranch Village 8 West
Chula Vista, CAOtay Ranch Village 8 West is a 320-acre master planned community consisting of single family and
multi-family residential neighborhoods, commercial and retail centers, public facilities, parks, educational
facilities, all of which are laid out around a welcoming town center. Construction is anticipated to begin
in early 2014.
Hale Engineering is providing Land Development Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, Street
Improvements, Utility Improvements, Grading Design, Terrain Modeling, Earthwork Calculations,
Hydrologic, Hydraulic & Hydromodification Calculations, Cost Estimation, Stormwater Retention
Design, 3D Modeling and Simulations, Topographic Surveys, Boundary Surveys, Right-Of-Way
Surveys, Legal Descriptions and Plats, Tentative Mapping, Final Mapping, Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Water Quality Technical Report (WQTR), Operations & Maintenance
Plan, Hydrology Reports, Hydromodification Reports, Erosion Control Plans, Plan & Permit
Processing, Project Programming and Coordination, Construction Coordination.
Otay Ranch Village 8 West

Moreno Valley, CAStoneridge is a 240-acre project comprised of 2 single family neighborhoods (334 total units), 1 multi-family
neighborhood and a commercial center, CFD improvements, a multi-use trail system and on-ramp/off-ramp
improvements at SR-60 and Nason Street.
Hale Engineering provided Land Development Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, Street Improvements,
Utility Improvements, Grading Design, Terrain Modeling, Earthwork Calculations, Hydrologic, Hydraulic &
Calculations, Cost Estimation, Stormwater Retention Design, Topographic Surveys, Boundary Surveys,
Right-Of-Way Surveys, Legal Descriptions & Plats, Tentative Mapping, Final Mapping, Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Hydrology Reports, Erosion Control Plans, Construction Staking & Layout, Plan &
Permit Processing and record drawings.

Rimrock Estates
Valley Center, CARimrock Estates is an exclusive 350-acre estate site development. We have provided engineering
and surveying services on more than 20 individual high end custom homes within the development.
Services provided include: Grading Design, Precise Grading Plans, Terrain Modeling, Earthwork
Calculations, Hydrologic Calculations, Cost Estimation, Topographic Surveys, Construction Staking
& Layout, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP),
Hydrology Reports, Hydromodification Reports, Erosion Control Plans, Plan & Permit Processing,
Construction Coordination and record drawings.
Rimrock Estates

Blossom Valley
Lakeside, CABlossom Valley is a 49-acre project that consists of 24 semi-custom homes, each on a 1 acre minimum lot.
Hale Engineering provided Street Improvements, Utility Improvements, Grading Design, Terrain Modeling,
Earthwork Calculations, Hydrologic, Hydraulic & Hydromodification Calculations, Cost Estimation,
Topographic Surveys, Retaining Wall Profiles, Construction Staking & Layout, Surveys, Right-Of-Way
Surveys, Legal Descriptions and Plats, Tentative Mapping, Final Mapping, Hydrology Report, Plan &
Permit Processing Construction Coordination, and Record Drawings.