3RD & Naples Commercial Center
Chula Vista, San Diego County, CAThis commercial/ retail center is a 6-acre site with Ralph’s Grocery Store as the anchor tenant. The
project involved redevelopment and revitalization of an older and underutilized shopping center.
Hale Engineering provided Land Development Engineering and surveying services including topographic
survey, boundary survey and base mapping, Tentative Map, Final Map, A.L.T.A. Survey, Grading Design,
Terrain Modeling, Earthwork Calculations, Hydrologic/ Hydraulic & Calculations and drainage report,
grading plans, street, surface and utility improvement plans, demolition plans, erosion control plans,
quantity and cost estimates, Legal Descriptions & Plats, Construction Staking & Layout, construction
observation, Plan & Permit Processing and record drawings.
3RD & Naples Commercial Center
Canyon Springs Market Place
Riverside, Riverside County, CACanyon Springs Plaza is a large retail shopping center located on at the intersection of Day Street
and Canyon Springs Parkway in the City of Riverside, California. This project involved various tenants
including Best Buy, Fazoli’s, Shell Gas, and other retail spaces.
Our services included on-site and off-site surface improvements, utility improvements, an overall
conceptual layout and infrastructure design study for future , consultation, grading design, terrain
modeling, earthwork calculations, hydrologic & hydraulic calculations, quantity and cost estimation,
erosion control design, topographic surveys, tentative mapping, final mapping, hydrology reports,
plan & permit processing, and construction coordination.
Canyon Springs Market Place
Jack in the Box
Multiple San Diego Locations: Eastlake , Fillmore, Sun Valley, Otay Lakes, Santee,plus many more!
For over 15 years, Hale Engineering has provided Jack In The Box with civil engineering and land
surveying services for numerous projects located throughout Southern California. Past projects
include both the construction of new restaurants and revitalization of existing Jack In the Box facilities.
Our services have included grading design, terrain modeling, surface and utility improvement design,
hydrologic, hydraulic, and hydromodification calculations, cost estimation, stormwater retention design,
topographic surveys, boundary surveys, ALTA surveys, record of surveys, construction staking and
layout, boundary adjustments, legal descriptions and plats, tentative parcel maps, parcel maps, storm
water pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs), water pollution control plans (WPCPs), minor water pollution
control plans (MWPCPs), water quality technical reports/storm water management plans (WQTRs/SWMPs),
operations and maintenance plans, hydrology reports, erosion control plans, plan and permit processing,
project programming and coordination.
Jack in the Box
Palm Tree Plaza
Oceanside, San Diego County, CAPalm Tree Plaza is a neighborhood retail shopping center located on Cannon Road in Oceanside,
California, with tenants such as Walgreens and First Bank.
Our services included consultation, design for site infrastructure, surface improvements, street
improvements, utility improvements, grading design, terrain modeling, earthwork calculations,
hydrologic & hydraulic calculations, quantity and cost estimation, topographic surveys, boundary
surveys, lot line adjustments, hydrology reports, plan & permit processing, and construction coordination.