Rancho Mission Viejo Substation
Rancho Mission Viejo, CASDG&E strives to provide reliable load capacity for the ever increasing southern California population.
In Orange County, the ranch community of Rancho Mission Viejo will ultimately include approximately
6,000 acres of multiple villages composed of residential and mixed-use development. In 2011, to meet
the anticipated demand of the new community SDG&E installed the Rancho Mission Viejo Substation.
Hale Engineering provided civil engineering and surveying services including rough grading plans, access
road and storm drain improvement plans, erosion control plans, topographic surveys, legal descriptions
and plats, terrain modeling and earthwork calculations, quantity and cost estimates, hydrologic/hydraulic
calculations and drainage study, construction staking and layout, construction observation, Water Quality
Technical Report (WQTR), Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and record drawings.